The thing I was looking for, though, is a small rack to be found just to the left of the main counter: the section displaying German-manufactured microbrews; IPAs, stouts and other real ale staples, made by and for the German market. The tastes are slightly different (like the Americans they tend toward IPAs, but in contrast the German brews are someone under-hopped), which is what you'd expect for a different market; these are not just carbon copies of US and UK brews (which are just as easy to import as to duplicate locally). I wouldn't want to see these "modern styles" supplant the traditional German lagers, but I'm personally very happy that a wider range of tastes is catered for with specialist importers and collectors like Rainer. Please support this store if you possibly can: I want it still to be there next time I visit Berlin!
I bought six bottles on my first visit, and can report directly on my tasting of three of them:
I inadvertently bought one beer that was not locally brewed: Heather Ale Ltd's ALBA Scots Pine Ale, brewed by Williams Brothers Brewing near Stirling in Scotland, imported to the US and thence to Berlin. This is the kind of beer that Americans call "Scottish", and clearly brewed for the tastes of that export market. It's an orangey-amber with a fair, lagery head, sweet pithy aroma with both pine and fresh-cut grass, and a nice floury first taste, like a tangy Belgian. It's a bit fruity, with apply and chewy sour cherry sweetness in the mouth, with a much more tart swallow but not much lingering bitterness. This is okay, but it's obviously targeted at the American market, and doesn't add to my experience of German local brewing.

Also impressive is the Phoebe Caulfield Rye Imperial Stout, brewed by Freigeist Bierkultur, a Göller brewery in Zeil am Main. A strong ale, at 8% ABV, this utterly pitch black beer has a light lagery foam that dissipates quickly, and a bubbly aroma of light hops with deeper roasted malt underlying. Sweet and fruity on the tip of the tongue, with ripe berries fresh from the forest, and a sour and cloying mouth-feel that any winter ale could be proud of. The syrupy smokiness of strong Turkish coffee and maple hit on the swallow, with a texture of gritty charcoal. It's very coarse and intense as it goes down, with an almost brandy-strength aftertaste. It was a bit too heavy-going to go with food, but it might finish off an evening by the fire very nicely.

- Camba Bavaria, Ei Pi Ai (I'm a sucker for an polyglot pun!).
- Hopfenstopfer, Citra Ale (brewed in Bad Rappenau).
- Schönramer, Imperial Stout (brewed in the Bavarian border area between Munich and Salzburg).
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